DEAR GOD: You Know my Heart and That Which I Need~

Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.

Matthew 6:8 KJV

There are times while sitting quietly in my room just needing to be in the presence of the LORD without uttering a word or thought not realizing that I’m in need of anything other than His Spirit.

However, even in the quiet and still moments of my life, He is ever aware of my needs.  He as the scripture above brings to mind, knows what I am in need of before I am even aware of what it is.  Hence, when we pray…we may not have the answer we are expecting because it isn’t necessarily what we NEED, but it is what we “want.”  Our Father knows us so well…

When we contemplate things of past present and future, there is a fine line of repetition that will invariably scan across the landscape of our hearts…which is… “God’s hands of grace” and “His love” that enable us to be all that we are in His name.

As we honor Him and give Him glory and stay focused on HIM and all things above, we undoubtedly become soldiers of importance in His powerful and royal army.  We are able to sustain and uphold up things of which we encounter during the day, evening and wee hours of the morning, that is to say…each second of our lives.

Magnify His name as we go through out day…giving Him all the glory and honor always! 

Oh how sweet His love!

When we grasp the enormous meaning of the scripture above in Matthew 6:8…it should, and WILL bring a sudden and explicable feeling of JOY!

Serving Him.

Honoring Him.

Enjoying Him.

Going to Him for anything and everything.


When we have finished our lives here on earth and enter into His Eternal Kingdom, what greater joy and reward than Our Father embracing us, welcoming us home, and saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant...”  Amen and Amen.   (Matthew 25:21)

He careth for you.  

1 Peter 5:7 


The times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the LORD. 

Acts 3:19


For we unto God a sweeet savour of Christ  1

1 Corinthians 2:15 
