DEAR GOD: Our Eyes Are Fixed On You~

jesus walks on water



Matthew 14:29-31King James Version (KJV)

29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst doubt?



This lesson is one of crucial essence for those of faith.  When Peter stepped out of the boat he was looking at Jesus. What happened when he took his eyes off Jesus?  He began to “sink” into the huge ocean.  That was Peter’s mistake taking his eyes from Jesus, because he was doing just fine until he “saw” the commotion going on around him.

In today’s times, it’s no different than it was then. The ocean “sought to engulf” Peter and swallow him up into the murky deep dark depths. The enemy seeks to devour us and pull us into the “deep dark murky” world of sin.

When we keep our eyes fixed on the LORD we are able to sustain and prevail with His help and His guidance. How does this happen?  Faith. Pure and simple…faith.  And, eyes on the LORD. Our faces as flint pointed toward the Holy City and the LORD.

The LORD was a little disappointed in Peter saying, “oh thou of little faith” — for He wanted Peter to be bold in his faith and belief. He wanted him to “rely” on Him and be assured that with His help and guidance no one will sink. We are protected through His mercy and love.

When times get rough…that is when we need to “walk on water” all the more.  With eyes on Jesus, we can stay afloat amidst the turmoil and most horrendous of times.  Sure, the word can become “choked” in the happenings of circumstances, but it’s up to us to embrace His promises and stand on His word, and we will stand strong as His right hand holds us up.

It’s through His love that we stand tall, and it’s by His strength that sustains the weak, and it’s by His mercy that we are forgiven and protected.

Stormy weather?  Calm seas?  Keep your eyes on the LORD and know that He is captain of our ship and is in complete control, always.  Amen…



For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.  (Matthew 16:27)


  1. Tricia Y says:

    Wow- Love this whole concept of keeping eyes on Jesus. I know when I’m in the word I can do anything, but it’s thru Jesus who gives me the strength to do it.
    Excellent message!

    • C D SWANSON says:

      The concept has been ringing true since the beginning of time and is filled throughout His Word!
      Amen and Amen!
      Blessings & Peace~

  2. Dee Mills says:

    Read your post today on:
    Our Eyes Are Fixed On You~

    Thank You for being Led By God for this Post.

    What I like about this situation is when Jesus rescued Peter-
    Jesus helped him and walked with Peter back to the boat on water.

    That is the True Love Of God –
    Even when He rescues us from our weaknesses,
    He helps and walks us back to the boat…and
    Continues helping us in our walk with Him
    along His Righteous Path.


    Love in Christ Jesus,
    Dee Mills

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Thank you so much for your comments.
      The true love of the LORD is exhilirating and beyond comprehension.
      It’s an amazing feeling to be the child of God and experience His love.
      Blessings, Peace and Love~

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