DEAR GOD: I’m Listening—

Listening To God - YouTube

The “voice” of the Lord is clear and apparent to those who “hear” it.  It’s a sheer delight to serve the Lord in all facets of our lives.  When we commit ourselves to Him, our paths become a vestige of honor to Him and all that it applies.  His voice reverberates to those with ears to hear, consider these very words: “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established…” Proverbs, 16:3 (NKJV). 

How do we commit our works to the Lord? There are many ways to do so.  Do not merely ask Him to bless what we’ve already done…Instead, commit ourselves and our plans to Him before, during, and after we have done our work. The trust, the commitment and the acknowledgement are all forefronts to our vital plan.  His ways, His thoughts, His actions…translate to “ask Him, trust Him, embrace Him, and acknowledge Him.”  When you do so consequences of all good things will transpire.

Consider a “budding rose.”  The bud is tiny at first.  Eventually, through care, love, and commitment it grows into a beautiful thing… much like our love and relationship with the Lord.  The more effort and time we put into the Lord, the more significant it becomes.  The deeper and more profound it gets.

But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8 (NKJV)

As our Father, God always will act on our behalf.   He acts for our benefit in ways that childlike minds cannot always understand.  As our potter, He ultimately molds us, and shapes us in ways that sometimes will hurt.  But always He deals with us in love.

Take a moment to think about past decisions you’ve made, on your own without the Father’s help or guidance.  How did it work out?  Usually without His voice, or counsel if you will, things usually don’t go the way we’d like.  When we take the time to talk with Him, listen to His voice, and bring Him into the equation of our life the outcome will benefit us.  We may not see it at first, because He sees way down the road.  He sees ALL things before its fruition, and so He knows what is best for us way before we even realize it. We may take years to realize it was good.  Therefore, don’t despair if things don’t happen according to your will.  Remember, His will…not ours.  His plans are perfect, our plans are anything but.  We may be puffed up and think we know what’s best for ourselves.  We need to be humble, and bow to His excellent works…and listen and adhere accordingly.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it…1 Corinthians 9:24 (NKJV).

We can accomplish much in life we don’t have a clear purpose and mission in mind.  The only way to consistency is through the Lord.  We need to take practice in all things, through Him.  Each time we accomplish something we draw higher and nearer to God and our purpose that He has for us.  Our works, our plans, through His alone.  We need to establish our mission in life, through Him.  His voice, His ways, and production will be overflowing in all good things.

Now these things became our examples…Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition…1 Corinthians 106:11 (NKJV).

Everything in the Scripture exists for our example, warning and admonition.  We should note what God’s people did in the past and how God reacted to them in order to move ahead in our own walk of faith.

When we live for God, all things connect in and outside of our very existence.  All things lead to peace and a transitional platitude of higher aspirations in and of Christ.  To hear His voice is to know peace.

To abide by Him is to know love.  To work for Him is to obtain a chiseled image in Christ, that reflects Christ as we uphold His light and shine our own light in His name. Bear witness in all things for Him and accept His will and plans.

Ssh…Listen closely…Do you hear His voice?

“Father, may I do all according to Your will now and always, as our New Year commences, may I grow even deeper in spirituality and resolve to do even more in Jesus’ glorious and powerful name, Amen.”

When His candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness–Job 29:3 (KJV).

 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men–Proverbs 22:29 (KJV).

 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe–
John 1:7 (KJV).

DEAR GOD: Time After Time –You Are You~

I heard an atheist speaking during a live show conference alongside a person of deep faith. The startling contrast in their views, modes of behavior and overall ideology were the veritable antithesis of each other.

Each one spoke about their perspective and most intimate belief systems, and how each one grappled with life, circumstances, and adversity in the highest form culminating into a tragic scenario, and how each one coped in the aftermath. The one of faith eased through the difficulty time, while the atheist had trouble and spiraled into a deep depression.

While I was enthralled with the side-by-side analysis of the minds of both individuals, I found myself way after the show concluded thinking about the “one who was an atheist.”  And I tried to understand how someone can have or hold that belief when there is so many things that can cancel out that “benign” wave pattern or illogical misapprehension.

Now, hang on. I am for “free thinking” and “choice” and that is what this country represents. Freedom!  Freedom to think what they want. Believe what they want. And ascribe to what they want.  And now that being said, I started to think, for me and countless others with great faith, it is incomprehensible to ever deny God or His commandments and His Omnipotent power and control over the entire Universe.

Time after time, He’s there. He’s there is the birth of a newborn. He’s there in the midst of a storm. He’s there in the calm of morning. He’s there in mourning. He’s there in marriage. He’s there in love. He’s there, time after time after time.

  • He’s there in the Word.
  • He is the Word.
  • He’s there in His love.
  • He’s there and here and everywhere.
  • Time after time after time.

The energy they spend on trying to convince others there is no God, seems to me to be a “religion” of sorts. Their own religion of non-belief. But who made them? Oh, the big bang theory?  So, if that were the case, that kind of reproducing would still be happening today each time a person is born. You don’t ‘evolve’ into something else. Nope. It would be a consistent process of birth renewal each time IF that were true.

Nope, instead it is still the same process for bringing a child into the world. A woman conceives when her egg is fertilized by male sperm. After nine months in the woman’s womb, or sooner an infant is born. And so it goes, and so it goes. Until the end of time, such process is reproduced, the same way over and over again. And in that process, He is there, time after time after time.

I know I’ve been redundant here in this post, but I’m passionate about my God and His amazing ways. And again, although every one has a right to their own opinion or belief, or “disbelief” –there are those who still choose God over all else. And find it intensely satisfying and comforting to know that “time after time” He is there!  Amen.

“Father, thank You for Your Presence in my life, time after time, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Words Of Comfort Are As Balm~

But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

Jude 1:17-20

As time marches on today in a world of darkness with evil demonic behavior being exhibited and increasing exponentially, it would do us well to concentrate on the Holy Word.

In Jude we are being earnestly forewarned of what will happen in the ‘end times’ and a vision of how and what will be transpiring. We are already witnessing ‘ungodly’ behavior on every level possible. We are seeing people ‘loving themselves’ and openly indulging in selfish acts of gratification. We are seeing a dismantling of common beliefs held for years unraveling before our very eyes. And families are being divided.

We are advised to then pray in the Spirit and uphold our beliefs and our inherent values that are earmarked by our faith, and behave accordingly. To stand on the Rock and the foundation of truth. To walk in the light and shun and rebuke all darkness and evil in Jesus’ name. We are to look to the mountains, from whence our help comes. And we are to stand in unity against aberrant behavior and applying the Word to all we do and say.

In this sense we are assured the viable and loving promises of the Word, and the protection of our Rock, and Holy One.

Hold on to your values and never lose sight that Christ is victorious, and He defeated death, gave us life, light and salvation to those of us who freely accept it.

I’ve read the end of the Bible, have you?

Christ wins!


He always does.


“Father, may I continue to seek Your face and Word daily, in all I do and say, and may I walk in Your light, turn from the darkness, and applaud and praise You today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




Psalm 107:8-9 (NLT)
“Let them praise the Lord for his great love
    and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
 For he satisfies the thirsty
    and fills the hungry with good things…”                                                                                               We do not need to look for things that we might praise God for. We can always thank God for His marvelous kindness, His faithfulness, His love, His miracles of mercy, for filling our lives with all that is good.   God is awesome in all He does. He loves us in all we do. And He is with us from our first breath to our last, and then we are home for all eternity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Father, we give you thanks, and Glory, and honor and we thank You for who You are, what You are, and what You’ve done, and continue to do, we just want to give you PRAISE this day and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Another Week Of Loving You~




Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  Matthew 22:37 (NKJV)

Jesus emphasized that the most important commandment would be the verse above in Matthew. That was always an important and outstanding message from Jesus, and so I began reflecting upon it more so than eve. As the week comes to a close, I started a mental picture of what I had done the past week that solidified that statement in my life overall.

  • Listening and loving Him through others, as Christ commands.

Well for one thing, I listened to several people speaking about their lives, and these people are very unhappy. Their circumstances are all so dim and exhausting in terms of their relationships, or lack thereof. It is sad, frustrating and to be honest, exhausting and draining. However, it’s done in my heart for the LORD, who says, “go and love as I have loved you” and when we love, which includes “listening” and helping others, it is part of His plan. These individuals are non-stop in their daunting misery, and “what-ifs” conversations, or murmurings. But–Jesus wants us to love. And by loving others, we are following His commandments of “loving.”  We are a daily reflection of His light, and when we do as He commands and trust in Him and follow Him by being a representative of who He is, the best we can. We are loving Him fully, and with all our heart, mind and soul. Let’s examine what some issues are that could be attributed to this verse, some we may not even be aware of.

  • Patience with others and holding back any negative responses that would otherwise escalate into a futile disagreement or worse.

Then I went on to being silent in areas that could become “challenging” to say the least, which at times can be a struggle. I am sure most of you reading this post can attest or relate to that right now, am I correct in that assumption?

Well, patience is a Characteristic of the Spirit, and virtue and gift, but it is at times overwhelmingly difficult to handle.

For example, if someone is being arbitrary or bearing an accusatory or condescending tone while engaged in some dialogue, it can be a Herculean task to keep our mouths and responses on hold. But through the spirit I did so.  Numerous times in fact. To be fair, it’s in my nature to hold back and not respond to negative and derisive speech. I guess it comes from my career in the nursing home industry. I listened to all of the patients, and loved them unconditionally, and treated them all the same irrespective of their differences in personality, or behavior.  I thank God for this gift from His hands of grace.

  • Courteous behavior displayed by being an example of Christ.

Then I thought about being courteous to others, respecting someone and honoring someone. For one thing, on the road there can be discourteous and aggressive drivers, no matter where you may live. And exercising self-control and not giving in to someone cutting you off or honking their horn, because you lingered a moment too long at the traffic light, is a mainstay with me. I am an overly courteous driver, and at times I am dismayed by the way others drive. Not to mention it can be dangerous these days. Road rage is real, and so be extra careful not to get mixed up in any of it. But…again, courtesy is part of the good spirit, and that is also a sign of loving God. Jesus was both kind and courteous. Again, a witness to Him when we behave accordingly, as He wishes us to behave as Christians.

  • Helping others, offering a smile or some other means of extending your love for your neighbors.

Our neighbor is an individual in her late 80’s and a widow. We offer her our help where we can. Taking out her garbage, picking up something in the store for her. Offering a ride to the doctor or other appointment. Bringing her some dinner or lunch. These are all ways to give willingly and with love. Jesus said by helping others, you are helping me. Another example of loving Him and following the commandments. A representation of the Spirit and who Christ is.

These examples, along with praying and writing devotionals to get His Word out are all ways to engage fully and actively in Matthew 22:37. I will try even harder this coming week, God willing. As He leads, guide, directs, and shows me the path. Which He always does. And which I am entirely grateful for.

Have you reflected on your week?

Have you shown and demonstrated that very important verse in Matthew 22:37?

Try marking it down this week, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you are doing in response to Jesus’ words.  And remember through it all, Jesus loves you!

“Father, may I always be in accordance with Your will, Your commandments, and Your ways, may I be an example of Your Spirit that dwells inside me, may I be all that I can be every single day of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”































DEAR GOD: May I Be Childlike In My Faith~


Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 18:2-5 (NLT)


Jesus is instructing His disciples when He tells them they need to “transform into childlike qualities” or it’d be impossible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Childlike qualities include humility and a sense of compassion and kindness and openness that are characteristics of a little child. In other words, entering into the Kingdom of the LORD in Heaven won’t be accomplished by defeating all opponents’ and gaining boastful achievements that express a selfish desire to get ahead in a ruthless fashion, or sense.

Instead, we must be humble and walk in compliance and in alignment with His Word and commandments. We must have the “mind” of Christ, and have a heart filled with love of God in all things we endeavor to do in our lives.

Those who enter must be humble in recognizing like little children, we are powerless over the circumstances in our lives. That like little children who are dependent on their parents, we are to understand we are “completely dependent on God” to provide for us and protect us from harm.

Only through this kind of mind-set and actions can we attain the grace from God. And by accepting His Son and following Him in spirit, and belief.

Have you “embraced the inner child” from within to accomplish and attain the goal of His Kingdom?

Are you walking in humility and trust?

Jesus’ words are infallible and His promises are real.

“Father God, thank You for instructing us in preparation for Your Kingdom, may I walk in complete humility and trust, may I hold true to the characteristics of children, and may I embrace You daily, today and always, and know that Your Spirit still guides me every day, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





There are many passages in the Bible where the Lord declares that He wants us to enjoy His presence. “God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight.”  (Ecclesiastes 2:26) Makes one wonder why, despite God’s declarations, that many of His children fail to enjoy His presence.

First, one of the reasons might be that they think God is not approachable, and therefore untouchable. However, nothing could be further from the truth.  God wants a relationship with you, He desires a close and abiding one with all of His children. If people fail to recognize the depths of His love, they’ll miss out on great blessings.

He has an everlasting love, He says to all of us today as He has throughout the ages, that He wants us to come to Him, and have an intimate relationship with Him.  The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee(Jeremiah 3:13 KJV)  

His heart is pure and open, as it so clearly demonstrates throughout the entire Bible.  He is our Father and much like our earthly fathers, longs for a close and honest relationship with His children.  The relationship we share with our Father is an individualized as our DNA. So, although the relationships will be different in how we relate and speak with Him, the connection should be one and the same. We are all HIS and He created us. We belong to Him.  We all share that common denominator.

Second, they may view God as a legalistic God.  He is not a legalistic God.  He doesn’t sit around looking at us, thinking “hmm, let’s see, whom can I condemn today?”  Nor does he sit and scrutinize our actions while investigating our motives. He knows our hearts, and He sees our very soul.  The very soul He held in His hands as He created it. He wants to instead, “set us free” and that is what He did when He sent Jesus. He loved/loves us enough to have sent His Son for us. Embrace that love…hold it firmly, and shine your light from within to all those in your path.

Third, they may be afraid of Him. God calls us in reverence of His holiness, but not to be afraid. He has said so many times in His Word, “Do not be afraid!”    The following are just a few of the more familiar scriptures that show us clearly that the Lord does not want us to be afraid:

After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (Genesis 15:1 KJV) 

And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land: (Joshua 8:1 KJV)

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. (Luke 1:30 KJV)

God loves us the way we are and accepts us fully without any qualms or motives. There really isn’t anything we can do that’ll make us more acceptable, He loves us just the way we are.  He doesn’t like sin but…He loves us, fully and completely just as we are. He forgives us our sins, when we call them to mind and repent of them, thereby allowing us to fellowship with Him further, and opens us up to blessings in abundance. God is a God of forgiveness and love and acceptance.  He also promises restoration.

How can one not enjoy that? Love, acceptance, restoration…and fellowship with your creator, does it get any better than that?

He enjoys being with us. Spend time with Him and begin to trust Him to meet all of your needs.  He’ll never let you down.

Are you ready for the best relationship you’ll ever have in your life?

“Father, thank You for Your love and acceptance, may I always do all according to Your will and purpose in my life, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”