DEAR GOD: Assurance Of Your Presence Is Reassuring~


God's Presence - Free Personal Growth Resources

In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 12, we find a promise of a profound connection between God and His people: “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” This verse is a beacon of hope, a reminder that in seeking God with a sincere heart, we are heard.

The Assurance of Being Heard

In a world brimming with ugly noise and overwhelming distractions, the assurance that our voice is heard by the Divine is deeply comforting. Jeremiah 29:12 is set within a letter sent by the prophet Jeremiah to the exiles in Babylon, offering them guidance and hope during a time of uncertainty and longing for home. It speaks to the moral imperative of maintaining faith, stirring our very souls and the importance of prayer, even when circumstances seem hopeless, grim and dire.

The Moral Imperative of Hope

The moral lesson here is one of perseverance in faith. The Israelites, far from their homeland and feeling abandoned, are promised that their prayers are not in vain. This teaches us that in our own times of exile—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—our hope should not waver. The act of calling upon God is an act of trust, a belief that despite our current struggles, there is a plan for our welfare, “plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Reflective Question

  • How often do we, in our moments of despair, forget the power of reaching out in prayer?
  • Do we truly believe that we are heard, or do we let the cacophony of our trials drown out our faith?

 Today as we go about our business, be calm and confident knowing we walk with the LORD.” Be grateful to the LORD. For all we endeavor to aspire, in all we are, and in every moment, we are here on earth – it is a gift from God-and we should always be thankful and glorify our Father all the days of our lives.

Are you calling upon the LORD? He’s listening.

“Dear Heavenly Father, In the quietude of this moment, we reach out to You, echoing the words of Jeremiah. We call upon You, knowing that You are listening, that our voices are not lost in the void. Grant us the strength to maintain hope when the horizon seems distant, and the courage to seek You with all our hearts. May we always remember that You are near, ready to listen, and eager to guide us back to Your embrace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


May God’s voice that is firmly rooted in scripture, invite us to reflect on the constancy of His loving Omnipotence and His Holy Presence through the power of prayer. May it encourage us to hold onto hope and to remember that we are never truly alone in our struggles.