DEAR GOD: Another Day Another Way to Love You~


“Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. 

Revelation 21:3



               The sun rise.  Breathlessly beautiful.  The rays of light trickle across the sleepy sky gently nudging it awake. The light awakens the earth illuminating and enhancing the beauty in which God’s hands created.  Life cycles within nature and reinforces the roots promoting growth and substance. Promise of creation, new things springing to life, old things passing away, new creation abounds.



Life.  Light.  Beauty.  

Remind you of anything? 

Remind you of anyone?

Jesus Christ.

It’s a no-brainer…Jesus Christ.

                 The light that shines from within to without.  The light that courses through us, the roots of which we are grafted, thereby giving us spiritual growth and nourishment of the soul, grooming us for eternity.

                 Each day begins anew.  With each day comes another way to trust in Him.  With each day comes another way to embrace Him and adore Him.  With each day comes another way to plant seeds of love, in His name.  With each day comes another way to love Him.  With each day comes another way to “wait upon the LORD, to renew their strength by His power, light, truth, and eternal Life, through Jesus Christ.

Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they should run and not faint.  (Is 40:25-31) 

              God is my defense. My God of mercy shall come to greet me and wake me gently, and shall protect and uphold me with His right hand of righteousness.

              His mercy endures forever.  So, even when we “fall short” we are able to have our slate wiped clean, as we repent and ask for forgiveness.  He will forgive, and love us no matter what.  He will always forgive us, when we are sincere and come to Him with a contrite heart…He knows our heart and soul.

I will wait for You.  I am still and know You are God.

My God of mercy.

My God of Love.

My God of Light.

My God of LIFE.

                    So when you see or feel the light of warmth from the morning sun, know it’s the LORD’s hands of love awakening you gently, nudging you forward, guiding you , and leading you to live another day in His care.

The LORD is our Life and salvation.

Whom shall we fear?

With God in our corner, who can be against us?

                 Rise up, children of the LORD of lights…and LORD of lords, and shout songs of praise to His glory, His mercy, His love!

Thank You for this day…and for the promise of Eternal LIFE!

Your Word is Holy.

Your Word is everything.

Thank You O’ Father God for Your promises,

and Your love.




Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. 

God Himself will be with them and He will be their God.

And  God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;  there shall be no more death, no sorrow or crying. 

There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.  Then He who sat on the throne said, behold I make all things new.”

Revelation 21:3-5



Sunrise created by the One and Only Master of the Universe,  our Sweet LORD.

Picture—Courtesy of Scott Birge who captured the beauty of the LORD’s canvas, and God’s Light through his lens. Thank you Scott~