DEAR GOD: You’re Everywhere~



   The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.   ( Proverbs 15:3)






Psalm 50:1-2   “The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.”


Another day in the life of “His child” and another day in which to give thanks and bear witness to His love and glory.

Each day is the promise of yet another opportunity to grasp His word and purpose for our life in accordance to His will.

The chirping of the birds as they begin their day is refreshing and comforting, for they represent our Father in that He created them.  The emerald green grass sporting drops of dew is evidence of Him again, for He knows how to cultivate and bring forth life in all of His creatures and landscape.

We are one of His creations.  We were formed by His hands of love.  He knew us before and while we were in our mom’s womb.  He chose our parents and our distinct DNA.  He preplanned our life, and desires, hoping that we would walk according to His purpose, and will.


1 Corinthians 3:16  Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?   

We are His and He is ours.  We have the Spirit guiding us, leading us, teaching us…and touching us, and if we “listen” and adhere to His ways, we will be able to fortify His word by preparing others by example.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:20:, “go out and preach the Gospel to all nations, and lo I am with you always even until the end of time.”  This is His commandment to us. One of the core messages along with His doctrine of love, and tolerance, and most important… listening to “our Father.”

Look around, listen…watch, and we need to give thanks unto Him for all that we do.  For He gets all the victory and praise no matter what.

Then as we do all things we’re commanded to do, our inner spirit will be strengthened as our growth will be substantiated in Him.

His Word. His way. His will.  I ask this, “would you want it any other way?” 



“And, O’ Lord, how grateful we are for Your love and care. We cast our burden and cares upon You,  for You care for us. And, each day as we go forward…we are “one with You” in our message from the spirit from within. Help us to be an example to “all” those we come into contact with. In Jesus Christ’ precious and loving name, Amen.”