DEAR GOD: Our Gifts are Not One Size Fits All~

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We all have different gifts given to us by the LORD.  We are not a “one size fits all.”  So, although someone may have the gift of “teaching” others may have the gift of “encouragement” —some may have the gift of “singing”  or some might have the gift of “leadership.”

Whichever your gift is, God wanted it “that way.”  And, wanted YOU to take on the gifts in which He has graced upon you to use for His purpose according to His will in One Church in the Body of Christ.

I’ve been trying to help someone ( a baby Lamb) transition to a deeper level of spirituality, with the LORD’s guidance of course.  It was easy to do and the words and scriptures flowed through me, because it was His will I was obeying.  And, because it was such, it was easy to do.

However, after several weeks of constant communication through texting, calls, and emails…something inside of me stalled.  It was then I realized, through God, and a Christian friend’s words which brought a confirmation from the LORD, that I was “finished” with that course, or journey for the Lamb that is learning.  He showed me that this “baby lamb” needed more structure and a “church family” with due diligence and “teaching” gift to show this “lamb” the way.  My part was over…

How do we recognize when it’s over?

By the Spirit’s guidance.   By the feeling you naturally feel, and when it’s no longer God’s will, you will instinctually know.  And, I did.

The individual seemed not to understand at first, but eventually, the “lamb” got the message.  And, that is from the LORD, not me.  The words that I gave to her was from the LORD showing me what to say to this individual, and good friend.

It’s now the LORD’s part to “water” the roots and to guide the path…and it’s up to the individual to “choose.”

Sometimes a Christian’s life can be difficult and moments of “tense feelings” can arise when trying to show the way.  The enemy can be adverse to this happening, and things may go awry in the process.  But, under the protection of the Mighty One’s Wings, and the Blood of Christ, we get through it.

I’ve also lost my “fur baby” recently, as many of my followers will recall. October 28, 2017. He was my love and  joy, my greatest pleasure outside of the LORD and my hubby…He was my “baby.”  And, I’m grieving deeply for him.  So, this individual, the “little lamb”  had to understand that I wasn’t myself…however, with the LORD’s guidance…I was able to perform the duties of a Christian, for His purpose. But, then it was complete. My part of the course was over.  Not the friendship, or encouraging this individual.  But the specific part of the journey in which He engaged my services was over.

Remember, we are NOT all alike. And, so don’t envy someone else’s gifts. Instead, embrace your own, and sing to the LORD with thanks.  And, then do it all according to HIS WILL, not yours.

And always be open to His voice.
