DEAR GOD: You Are Always Listening & Protecting Me~

Is God Listening to My PrayersReflections on Psalm 34:6

Psalm 34:6 states, “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.” This verse is a profound testament to the compassionate nature of God and His unwavering commitment to those in distress. He helps all who reach out to Him. When we seek Him in earnest, He responds to us – in His timing – and according to His will- but He will respond!

The Cry of the Poor Man

The “poor man” symbolizes all of humanity in its vulnerability and need for divine intervention. The act of crying out is a universal expression of seeking help, transcending cultural, linguistic, and temporal barriers. It is a raw and honest plea, born out of a place of desperation and sincerity.

His wisdom and grace extend to all of His children!

The Lord’s Response

The response of the Lord is immediate and all-encompassing. The phrase “heard him” is not merely an acknowledgment of the cry but an assurance that the plea has been received with empathy and attention. The Lord’s hearing is an active listening, one that leads to a transformative action—“saved him out of all his troubles.”

He is merciful and kind!

Salvation from Troubles

The salvation promised is not limited to physical deliverance but extends to our emotional and spiritual rescue. The “troubles” mentioned are not specified, which allows this verse to be a source of comfort for all people that are facing various challenges, whether they be financial hardship, illness, loss, or spiritual despair.  The LORD treats us equally and responds in kind – when we are faithful.

He is our amazing LORD!


Psalm 34:6 is a beacon of hope for the faithful. It reassures us that no cry goes unheard, and that salvation is not a distant dream but a present reality. It encourages us to maintain a posture of humility and dependence on God, who is always ready to extend His grace and mercy.  We we actively pursue Him with contrite and ready hearts, and with mouths that cry for Him, as we worship Him with all the glory that He is due – He will ultimately respond and hold us up with His right hand of righteousness – all the days of our lives.

He is a powerful God!

Psalm 34:6 -holds a powerful and significant message -and its relevance to the human experience. It serves as a reminder that in times of trouble, one can find solace and strength in the promises of the scriptures, and in His voice!

“Dear LORD- we come before You with humble hearts, echoing the cry of the poor man in Psalm 34:6. Lord, hear our prayers and deliver us from our troubles. Your Word promises salvation, not just in the life to come, but in the here and now. We ask for Your comforting Presence to envelop those who are calling out to You in their distress. May they feel Your love and peace, knowing that You are a God who listens and acts. Save us from our afflictions, be they of the body, mind, or spirit. Grant us the faith to trust in Your timing and Your ways. Help us to see Your hand at work in our lives, even when the path is clouded by uncertainty. We thank You for Your unfailing grace and for the assurance that no plea made in earnest is ever ignored. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”

May this prayer bring comfort and hope to all who seek solace in the Lord’s embrace.