DEAR GOD: My Soul Pants For YOU~

holy_spiritwithout words


The Lord is my Shepherd...I shall not want.

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God

Psalms 42:1 KJV


When we feel the intense yearning and burning within our souls for the “word’ and “His voice” — we should realize two things.  One, it is a gift from our Father, for it is He who places the desire in our hearts.  And, two—it is a  vital opportunity to be a part of a bigger and better “project” in our lives.

God calls us to do things for His purpose in this life…and then beyond. For now, while we’re here in the flesh, on earth…we have things to accomplish, things to do.   Those reasons for the things we do may not always be clear, but for our Father, there is always a reason of clarity, and purpose.  There is always a connection for something bigger than we see.  Our scope of vision is limited.  Whereas our Father’s vision is untrammeled, His vision goes beyond that which we see or understand.

When our soul pants for Him, keep in mind…it’s His hand of grace that gave the gift to us.  It is for Him that we pant…and it is for Him, we live.

Next time you don’t understand why the LORD is calling you to do something you don’t understand, do it!  Be obedient to His bidding as you serve Him with a willing and loving heart.

Just as one day so long ago I had a “urge” to give a certain amount of money to a church family member.  It was for a specific amount, for a specific individual.  When she was handed the card with the money inside, later on she cried to us, “It was exactly what I needed, the exact amount to pay for a doctor bill for my little girl.”

God knew what this individual needed.  Now, next time you feel the “prompting of the Holy Spirit” telling you to do something you can’t understand, and feel the “yearning in your soul” realize this, “God knows all and He does all for the good of His children, always.”

Thank Him, love Him, and obey Him.  I can say this, there truly is no bigger joy or sense of peace than to do so…





  1. Pam Ford Davis says:

    Awesome! It brings to mind the ‘panting’ of an expectant mother during child labor. She is about to give birth! Panting with desire for God births blessings.


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