DEAR GOD: We Hunger and Yearn For You~







“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD,

that I will send a famine in the land,

not a famine of bread,

nor a thirst for water,

but of hearing the words of the LORD:”

 AMOS 8:11  (KJV)


It is written that in end tmes there will be a great famine.

As those who are deep in their faith already know, the “famine” referred to in the Bible is not for sustenance in terms of actual food, but for the Word of God.

By the strong statement from God in Amos 8:11 so depicts, it will be  a sign of the times.  As in most troubled times a famine of the very Word will be difficult and hard to bear for those who long for it.

Ostensibly, to the majority of His children, there won’t be anything felt from the lack of His Word.  But, to the those who have a heart for God, and follow diligently in all their days, they will feel the famine deeply.

Some of His children will travel far and search to hear a good sermon. They will long to hear the Word of the Lord being delivered.  It is this group of Children who will yearn for His Word always.  But for those who foolishly sin away, they more than likely won’t even feel the “lack of the Word” they will be oblivious to the “changing times.”

Those who write the commandments in their hearts, Psalms 119:11…will have it with them always.

Those who know the Word will be able to see, and recognize, “false prophets” as Jesus warned us…be  aware of false prophets.

Those who have the Word sealed in their minds, heart and soul,  will be able to readily “pull from the Word” anytime of the day.

Those who know His voice will be able to “hold it up” against any false message. They will be able to meditate upon it daily…anywhere, anytime.

Let those who know the Word be blessed, and value their blessings, and gifts from God, who opened eyes, and ears.  Let us pray for those who walk in “darkness” in terms of “ignorance” of the Word.  Let us pray for a restoration, and for the LORD to bring the gift of sight and hearing leading to  awareness, and pray for a healing of our land.

Drink the water of life, feast on the Word of the LORD.  

It is promised by God if you drink His water and eat His daily bread , you will Thirst and hunger no more







    • C D SWANSON says:

      Amen is right! The Word is so powerful and will provide for all of our needs. How wonderful we can pull from it when the LORD quickens us to do so.


  1. Christina Joyner says:

    Amen to that. I have hid the word deep in my heart. So we can recall it anywhere. Good message and well received.

  2. Tia says:

    This message is so good for so many people. Hopefully it will go to those who need to heed the warning about false teachers all around us.

    Many blessings

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Yes! And to everyone who needs to hear this message, may it be so. God knows who needs this and who doesn’t…I have a feeling he’ll be sending those who really need to hear it.


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