DEAR GOD: Praise & Thanks To Our Shield~



Jesus my lighthouse



“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

Our internet service went down as did our land line and phone system.

My husband works from home and had to tend to issues where time was of the essence.  He thought he had to physically drive to work.  Simple enough right?

Well, watch this, and see if even the most unbelieving can begin to see how God works His Sovereign power towards His children.

My husband’s car is quite old (as is mine) but…at least mine has air conditioning still working.  I told him to use my car to get to work, (it was going to be a really hot and humid day) if the internet system was still down the following morning.

The internet provider service tech came to our house to fix the problem. After five plus hours it was indeed fixed.  That evening, my husband and I,  along with our “baby” took a ride.  While riding around, my car began to smoke, and and the heat index was way up on the dash board.

We made it home..before anything further happened.  We thought, “okay, probably needs some coolant,” which my husband promptly took care of.  We closed the garage door for the evening and didn’t think about it any longer.

The next day…while my husband was working from home, I called my service station to make an appointment for an oil change and to check on the coolant.  After dropping the car off…they called me saying these words:

“Got good news and bad news.  First of all, the good news is, you are so lucky you brought it in when you did.  Your brakes are completely gone, you have two broken axles.  Also, your radiator is blown… is we can have it all done for you by tomorrow afternoon. Bad news, it’s going to cost more than an oil change!”

During that call…I immediately looked up and gave thanks to our Father!  And after that call, I continued to give thanks!

 Lucky?  NO!  There is no such thing as “luck.”  But, that is what most people call it who are not faith-filled. I knew where that came from.

That divine intervention was through our LORD.

Let’s look at this closely for a moment:

1-   God knew I was going to insist my husband drive my car to his workplace, which is about an hour away all highway driving.  

So…the internet tech, although perplexed as to the trouble as to why it was down, after five plus hours, it was turned back on.  

This was done so my husband would be kept safe from driving my car on the highway, which had NO BRAKES!!!!

2-   I wasn’t going to take my car in…so the LORD arranged for it to “smoke up” which led me to bring it in for an early oil change and check up.  

He knew there were no brakes and wanted me to get it taken care of!  So he had to arrange something to get my attention to do so.  Thus, the smoking radiator.  Thank you Lord!




I give this testimony today, as always, giving all praise, and glory, and honor, to our FATHER.  

May He receive all the victory, now and always!

In closing, I know how powerful and loving our God is, and each time something happens to reaffirm it, my heart is filled with that much more love for Him.

I am in awe of Him.

 I stand before Him with hands of praise to Him and Him alone.

Believe it.  

When you form an intimate relationship and believe in His promises, and embrace His word, something magnificent happens.  You become part of a huge family of brothers and sisters, each with the same mind set and values, and all one in the body of Christ.

Each one of us are under His wings of care and His hands of love.

God is our “umbrella of protection” — He goes before us, and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Have you checked your brakes today? 

if not, how blessed are those who have God in their corner, the Master Mechanic in all things who will “fix” brakes while tending to us keeping us safely in His harbor, no matter the circumstances or storms in our path.

His hands are always around us, leading, guiding and touching us!



  1. C D SWANSON says:

    I’ve been having trouble with my sites comment section. Apparently I haven’t been able to get them, I received this one inadvertently.

    So thanks for your witness and your heart for God.


  2. Pam Ford Davis says:

    We had a major break down with my husband’s car this week. He could have had a bad wreck. He didn’t. We are also grateful for cell phones. He called me and I went to the scene of his break down. Now, for the repair-work!

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