DEAR GOD:I Hear Your Love In The Ocean’s Roar~


Atlantic Ocean ~ Watch Hill Beautiful Sunrise, Beautiful Beaches ...

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2

God’s mercy and power encompass all things. The Universe responds to His mighty Omnipotence and His Promises reach all that embrace them.  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”
Isaiah 55:8-9.

The King reigns and is in control of all. When we accomplish something in our lives, it is because of a dual effect. We essentially made the right choice and worked hard for it, but we only attained it – because fundamentally God was in control, and made it happen. Our choices have dire consequences when they’re outside the parameters of God’s will and purpose. Ostensibly, when we make the right choices, we will invariably excel at all we do, by God’s hands of grace and love.

People who don’t know of God and His love are limited in their ability to thrive. Oh, yeah, they may appear to be prosperous by outside measures, but what is inside? There is no fuel or purpose to their folly – for it lacks all wisdom or moral compass.

Instead, most times their “acts of moral turpitude” are repulsive to those who stand with God – and there really isn’t much substance to their overall structure in their lives.  It’s actually quite inept and seemingly sad. They may have troubles inwardly, and not know how to tune into the best Being ever, JESUS!

We are called to help those in the dark. To be judicious in our choices, and to turn from evil – but at the same time to spread seeds of the truth to those who wish to hear.

Blessed is those who know Him and accept Him. For their lives, although may not be completely free of heartaches, loss, and troubles – but rest assured, with God in their lives it will be easier to navigate rough waters and be lulled into the safe harbor of His arms, each and every time – He is there!

How are you fixed with Jesus? Do you know Him personally? Do you know about His love for you? Open His book – His love letter written to us – and learn about Him and accept Him as Your LORD and Savior – and He promises a life well worth living!

“Father, thank You for Your promises, Your ways, Your love, Your endless path to peace and harmony, may I always ascribe to Your commandments, and always stand in faith, in Your precious name Jesus, Amen.”


“The boundless beauty of the ocean and its roaring peace, eclipse my soul as Your love covers me with Your promises and Your Word…”
