DEAR GOD: How May I Please You?~


Colossians 1:10 

“…so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”


Pleasing our Father should be the goal of all believers, and all who call upon the name of Christ for salvation.

For all those who want to please God walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Meaning, walk with the spiritual frame of mind and not by the body mind.

Walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh summed up means, “walking worthy of our calling and surrendering to God’s will. And being obedient in His commandments.

It may seem utterly unattainable and truly impossible to do. But God wants us to please Him, and He will supply the strength to do so, when we are contrite in heart and sincere in our desire to do so.

After all it’s His Spirit who lives in our hearts, and that is how we can manage to live by the Spirit.  In Romans 8:8

Paul reminds us that, “whoever walks in the flesh cannot possibly please God.” That alone is reason enough to want to walk worthy and put on the Spirit of God. We do this by our faith, because without it, we are not going to please God.

We must truly believe in Christ, as our Savior. We must believe He exists. He also will reward those who earnestly seek Him. ((Hebrews 11:6).

Those who are still in their sin have their minds sent on sinful desires. Whereas those who have been transformed and regenerated by Christ, are new creatures in Him. The old self is gone, and in its place a new one.2 Corinthians 5:17

Meaning we have a completely new mind that is fully controlled by the Spirit. And when we have that mind-set, we have a desire to live in accordance with Him in all we do and speak.

The mind of a sinful person is death. Ostensibly, the mind controlled by the Spirit is Life and peace. But the sinful mind is hostile and unmoving and set in their ways, not wanting to please God. The flesh does not want to acquiesce to God’s law or submit to it. Nor can it do so, without Christ’ Spirit and strength.(Romans 8:6-7).

Finally, pleasing God truly comes down to this: “Living according to His commandments, living according to His precepts, and doing it with reverence and complete submission and unconditional love.

We always want to please those we love right?

The Bible is full of exhortations to righteous living and loving Christ. Jesus says it quite clearly, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15). 

The Epistles are God’s plan for believers. This book shows and tells what to display throughout our lives, concerning our behavior that is most pleasing and satisfying to God:

“For the rest, then, my brothers, we beseech you and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that, as you have received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, so you would abound more and more” (1Thessalonians 4:1).


Father, may I always be pleasing in Your eyes, may I walk in the Spirit and follow your precepts, commandments, and laws, and may I glorify You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Walking In The Spirit - Part 1 - CrossBridge Community Church