DEAR GOD: How May I Serve You Today & Always~

Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you-

1 Samuel 12:24


In the still of the morning, what do you hear?

Do you hear the LORD calling and drawing you near?

Do you realize that today, you’ve nothing to fear?

Do you realize He loves You and holds you dear?

I can honestly state that in the morning, I hear Him by the “silence” and peace I feel while eating my breakfast. I know through His Word He draws me near. I do realize that I’ve nothing to fear, and of course I know He holds me dear.

Recognizing the gift of His grace, and His infinite love is part of the “feeling” of knowing all of which I’ve just said above. His Presence is overwhelming, so much so at times I am dumbstruck. To think He loves me so much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son, for ME/ US?  That statement and fact is mind boggling and emotionally numbing.

We of faith know what happened. Christ suffered, died, was buried and resurrected. His blood set us free. He redeemed us. And we embrace it, fully and completely. But, when one takes the time to truly digest the concept and reality, the very image and thought leaves me wondering, why?  But then I know, and I’m filled with joy. It’s simply because He loves us so much, and didn’t want to be separated from us, thereby offering us salvation through Him.

So, the question becomes this? How do we serve Him every single day? There is nothing even remotely equated to what He has done for us.  But we can love Him, follow Him, praise Him, and do all we can in the capacity in which we can, and in all that we can every day.

We can get to know Him more and more by reading His Word daily. Reflecting His Word and love in all we do, all we encounter, and all we say. We can honor Him and meditate on His Word and try to emulate Christ in our behavior overall.

And to serve Him with unfailing dedication, platitudes of love and service Him by having a contrite and true heart, all the time, every time, and till the end of time and beyond.

Do you recognize Him? Listen. Look. Watch. He’s right there beside you!

“Father, thank You for Your visual cues, Your Word and Your promises, may I do all that I can to service You, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”