DEAR GOD: Thank You For Your Example Of Righteous Anger~

New Testament 2, Lesson 2: Jesus Clears the Temple - Seeds of Faith Podcast

And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 13 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”  –
Matthew 21:12-13 (ESV)

Jesus’ Righteous Anger
Jesus clears the temple and chastises the moneychangers. His righteous anger was palpable in this moment. Taking a corded whip to the sinners, sellers of animals, and money changers, chasing them from His Father’s house of worship.

This Holy Week that leads up to Good Friday, and the Resurrection of Christ – let’s all take time to reflect on His love, and His work, and His mission.

What is the most outstanding thing you can say about Jesus? How do you feel about His righteous anger chasing the merchants out of His Father’s house?

Reflect on inner righteousness and the need for true worship. Continue this pattern of reflection and prayer throughout the week, culminating in Resurrection Sunday. Truly devoting your time and thoughts and expressions of love to the LORD. Think about Jesus’ actions, and why He acted the way He did.

Jesus’ anger is a facet of His divine character, exemplifying His intolerance for sin and injustice. Unlike human anger, which can stem from selfish motives, Jesus’ anger is always pure and directed towards actions that contradict God’s holy standards.

For instance, when Jesus cleared the temple of money changers, His anger was not a loss of control but a deliberate response to the desecration of a sacred space.

This act of cleansing was a powerful statement against the exploitation within the house of worship and a call to honor God with sincerity and reverence.

Jesus’ Unconditional Love
In stark contrast to His righteous anger, Jesus’ love is the epitome of grace and mercy. His love is proactive, sacrificial, and inclusive, extending even to those who opposed Him.

Jesus demonstrated this love vividly when He washed the feet of His disciples, including Judas, who would betray Him. This humble act serves as a profound lesson in servitude and unconditional love.

Moreover, His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, where He bore the sins of humanity, stands as the greatest testament to His love. Jesus’ love is not passive; it seeks out the lost, heals the broken, and restores the repentant

Reflecting on Jesus’ life, we find a perfect balance between His zeal for God’s holiness and His compassion for humanity. His actions and teachings guide us to live lives that honor God and serve others with a heart full of love. And when doing so, we are His ultimate vessels in fulfilling His Words in Matthew 28:20 “Go out and teach the gospel to all the nations, and lo I am with you always, even until the end of the age…”

May His love show us, lead us, and guide us in the purpose of our lives according to His will, this week and all the days of our lives.

Closing prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I stand in awe of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who embodies both righteous anger against sin and boundless love for sinners. Teach me to emulate His passion for justice and His compassion for people. May I always be zealous for Your house and tender towards Your creation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” 🙏




