DEAR GOD: How Can We Help People Who Are Bitter?~

Breaking the Root of Bitterness - Part 1 — Grace Church

A bitter spirit is something that might happen to any Christian if we aren’t careful. Let’s face it, a bitter root can grow very slowly and surreptitiously in our hearts long before the “fruit of bitterness” comes to the surface and exposes it’s “ugliness.”

Unresolved matters, such as anger, resentment, jealously, pain, grief, and continuous disappointment are just a few ways the bitterness can grow into a cancerous growth on your very soul.

What is the remedy for a bitter spirit? Well – it would be the very Word of the LORD. It’s a life affirming panacea to one’s soul. It’s a balm and a refreshing prescription for the spirit.  The Holy Spirit can be a constant source of fuel to counter the arsenic that is poisoning your soul.

 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” – Psalm 51:10

Bitterness is not a good thing for anyone at any time. It’s especially the polar opposite of a clean Christian heart. The LORD invariably by the Holy Spirit will reveal the “sin” of bitterness in our hearts-and give us the unction-or a discerning spirit to expose it and bringing us to His throne for healing and forgiveness.  We can sin and harbor bitterness in our souls, but we don’t have to stay there. Through the grace and open invitation of the LORD, we can go to Him in a humble spirit asking for help, healing and forgiveness. When we recognize it, and humble ourselves while we repent – we will get a “new heart and cleansed” by the LORD.

 “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

When we understand and recognize we are consumed by bitterness, we immediately must confess and ask for help. As a Christian we go to the One and only who can help cleanse us, and wipe it clean. But we must be sincere in our efforts and approach – God knows our intentions and heart, so we cannot fool Him. And who would want to?

The story of Ruth is a fine example of bitterness. Remember Naomi when she returned to her birthplace – Bethlehem? She was filled with bitterness after the loss of her husband and sons. She went so far as to ask friends and family to call her “Mara” and no longer call her Ruth. Because “Mara meant bitter.” Her circumstances, although bitter, were turned about in the end. She prayed and was blessed by the LORD with a grandson, who would be the direct king line to David and Jesus!

The compulsion to harbor ill feelings or slide downward spiraling into a self-loathing bitter miserable being – is one’s own choice. Circumstances and situations in life sometimes are not of our own doing, naturally that is a different scenario of course. However, staying in a constant state of “bitterness” and refusing to ask the LORD for help is a choice, and an ill choice because it can affect the rest of your life and make a difference to your health, heart, body, mind – and soul!

God is the answer to all of your issues, no matter how horrific! He is there. Go to Him. Reach out. Read His Book, ask for help, clarification of His messages, and pray, pray, pray – and repent! Eventually, in God’s timing based on your “sincerity” within your heart-He will answer your prayers and wipe the bitterness out of your heart.

“Father, may I recognize if bitterness ever shows up trying to enter my heart, may I seek You, ask for Your help and assemble myself in alignment of Your Word, and press on and continue to be a servant to You my LORD, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”