DEAR GOD: Show Us Our Purpose & Love~

Christ's Amazing Love (Rewards Me) - YouTube

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful- Colossians 3:15 

As children of God, we are to reflect His light to those in darkness, and in so doing, we’re called to a higher purpose in fulfilling His commandments. By living as an example to those who might otherwise be “lost,” we’re walking the path in which we’re called. Saving even the “one sheep” is cause for a celebration, to which the angels sing and rejoice…but most especially, to our Father, who shall be well pleased with us.

Christ’ goodness inherently is in within those who believes.  He dwells in us.  Should we not then be compelled and honored at once to subsidize His love and purity from within?  His love is beyond the scope of all understanding, His pure love is a welcome balm to our very souls.

His love is the love that withstands all time and adheres to our souls and sustains us in all kinds of storms. He is the umbrella to the harsh elements, He is the Captain of our ship, He is the light shining in the darkness, He is the One that holds our hearts in His hands with a gentle kindness and sincerity that eclipses all else.

He is the one constant source in which we seek reinforcement on a daily basis that borders on redundancy…in a good way…it is fresh, and new, with each breath we take. With each day the formation of His love and Daily Bread transforms us to another level of understanding.  So, although a passage is well known, one never knows when it will “quicken” our spirit and bring forth a “new meaning” to absorb and share with others.

Breathe deep and aspire to His Word and His commandments. Follow Him, the Spotless Lamb of God as we go through our life here on earth. Each act of love is another solidification of our obedience, in which we strive together, in this race toward our inherent goals and promises spoken by our LORD- that is to say -eternal rewards!

“Blessed Father, King of the Universe, and Creator of all things, give us the ability, share Your insight and bring us to where we should be according to Your purpose, help us daily, and keep us from evil O’ Lord, in Jesus’ beautiful name, Amen…”


DEAR GOD: Apple of Your Eye~


You Are The Apple Of God’s Eyes – Becoming the Oil and the Wine

For thus saith the LORD of hosts;

After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you:

for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

 Zechariah 2:8 KJV


Ask someone what he/she thinks is precious. Some might say, an heirloom handed down for generations.  Or others may say their brand-new house.  The majority of individuals probably will answer, “My children.”  All except the latter is of little significance. It’s entirely materialistic gain…nothing more.

As children of God…we’re precious in His sight. We’re special, and He loves us as evidenced by His promises in His Word. To this day, God continues to love and guide us, as He has throughout the ages.

His presence is felt by those of faith. His voice can be heard above a crowd, and His Spirit corroborates with our spirit in every aspect of our lives.

He’s there in a business meeting and in the living room while we’re watching TV.

He’s at our dinner table, and He’s watching over us at bedtime.

God never leaves us, nor would we want Him to. As stipulated in Zechariah 2:8- apple of His eye-refers to the pupil, a valuable and vulnerable part of the body. This metaphor functions to express God’s deepest feelings for His children.

God, King of the Universe, is our biggest treasure, and the most precious part of our lives and heart.

Return His love unconditionally, and then be still and watch God work. (Psalm 46:10)


“Lord, thank You for everything in my life, past, present, and to come. I am Yours, and place my trust in You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? 

Psalm 42:2 KJV