DEAR GOD: You Bring Me Comfort and Joy~

Psalm 16:11 – Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Believing and living for Christ and embracing His Spirit, there is pleasures and promises that are assured and renewed by His breath of life that lives within and dwells within.

Being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit is akin to being connected to a reservoir. The Spirit refreshes and the harmony of His Presence flows in symmetry according to all things for His purpose and will.

When filled with His Spirit your countenance becomes enshrouded in peace, and when you trust Him fully, there is a directness and openness that counteracts any aversive circumstance you encounter.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

When we are willing participants in His doctrine and commandments, and we surrender to all that He is—We can not only survive but get through any scenario or circumstance we run into.

When we pray to Him and give ourselves fully to Him, we don’t have to worry about anything. His peace will fill us completely. His protection covers us.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

Our lives are not just about the tangibles, but about the intangibles. It’s about believing in things that are not seen. It’s not about ‘what will I eat, drink or do? ‘ It’s about seeking the Kingdom of God in all we do.  It’s about gaining knowledge and wisdom in His Word and love. It’s about letting the Spirit rule.

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 14:17

It’s about giving Him glory, honor and respect. It’s about knowing that He is the reason we are, and the reason we live. It’s about feeling His love and responding to it by loving Him back unconditionally.

We can never fully comprehend the extent and capacity and depth of His love for us, but we can willingly hold onto Him and love Him for all we are and do.

When we aspire to be all we can be for Him, we will purpose our lives by being in alignment with His Word all the days of our lives. And when we come into His Holy Presence when we are called home and live in Eternal joy we will have attained and retain all the rewards in which He alone can give and will employ.

“Father, thank You for filling me with Joy, and the love of Your peace, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Is One Thousand Years Truly One Day with You?~

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2 Peter 3:8 – But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.



I overheard a man recently telling another man in the parking lot, “boy, when I’m around my wife’s family, a couple of hours feels like one thousand years!”  To which the other man roared with laughter and replied, “I have to remember that- that’s great!”

Somewhat bemused at the exchange, I thought immediately about 2 Peter 3:8, and realized that is kind of on topic for that verse. Well, sort of…

What I personally take away from this particular passage is that “God’s timing” is not ours. I take this verse to mean that God is not bound by time as humans are. Because what might seem like an extremely long tedious time to us, in actuality is but a moment to God.

I have often heard this verse used to encourage and uplift others to trust in God’s perfect timing, and not to give any thought or worry about time itself. That is to say, how long things take in this lifetime of which is paradoxically, fleeting.

For sure it’s entirely different when we get to our permanent home. Things won’t be the same as they are while we are in our flesh bodies, or so it is told throughout God’s Word. And of course, when we subscribe and surrender to His will, and His purpose, and trust in Him…we know that what we read is inspired by Him, through His prophets, and so…Heaven is real, and not as it is here on earth.

Of course, this verse is part of a larger passage pertaining to the coming day of our LORD, when the world will be judged and renewed.  God is merciful and fulfills His promises and wants everyone to repent and to spend eternity with Him. His timing, not ours. His will, not ours. His purpose, not ours. His, and His alone.

I have to tell you, if I’m being honest…there are some individuals I know who can spin a story that never ends, and it truly can seem like a thousand years!  I smile to myself and say, now in the eternity with the LORD, this story would elapse quickly!  LOL!

Trust that He is everywhere at all times, and the next time you are with someone who is going on and on, and time is dragging. Remember Christ dwells within us, and His Presence is with you everywhere. Try to concentrate on that aspect then perhaps the time will go a “little faster!”

“Father, I embrace You always and realize that my time is not as Yours, and my timing is not as Your timing, which is perfect, I thank You for Your promises, and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. ~ Proverbs 15:3