DEAR GOD: Show Me Your Paths~

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Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.

Psalm 25:4 (KJV)

When you view a path whether in a picture or in person what do you think or? For me the verse from Psalm 25:4 jumps to mind immediately. And then I visualize how many times the LORD has literally stopped me from turning down a path during my childhood and into my adulthood. So many times, I felt the “pull” that gently guided me in another direction, and that gentle little “gnawing” inside my spirit was God telling me, “Nope! Don’t go there! Turn down that way.” And I knew it was God’s Presence alerting me to do the opposite of what I was going to do.

I’m referring to things like, buying our first home, or going on a highway to take another road, or not attending a function, etc. Things of that nature. That is to what I am referring, little things that could have turned out to be big disasters.

Our first home, had we gone with our original choice would have been a huge mistake! It turns out that house had all kinds of issues, “hidden” issues that cropped up that cost the new owner an additional $25,000 to fix!  So saved there! Thank You my LORD!

Another time we were on a highway and driving at the normal speed limit, and felt the car “literally” come to a full stop and slide over to the shoulder of the road!  It turns out had we continued on that road we would have been involved with a six car accident!  That was divine intervention!  Praise God and His hands of grace.

And there was the time we were supposed to attend a function, and at that last minute my husband developed “diarrhea” and we had to turn around and go back home. Well, at that very same function we were supposed to be in attendance for, the roof of the building collapsed!  Several people were critically injured.  So, once again – Thank You my LORD and God!

We are blessed to have a God who is so caring and loves us with the intensity of no other. When we are in tune with His Spirit and pay attention to the “gentle nudging” and guidance of the LORD we can’t ever go wrong!

The next time you see a path whether in a picture like the one above this article, or in person – think of the verse above. And give thanks to the One and Only Being that loves you, cares for you, protects you, and guides you every step of the way, all the days of your life, and eventually in eternity!

May the LORD continue to guide all your paths, today and always —

“Father, thank You for guiding my paths, and for showing me the way, I am Yours today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”