DEAR GOD: Your Eyes not Ours~


(Deuteronomy 13:18 KJV)   God says: “When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all His commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God.”



We might not see things clearly through our “own eyes.” There are plenty of things that can distort or warp our own eyesight. For example, sin can make us see things differently than what they actually are. That is to say, the fruits of the “flesh.”  If we’re not careful, enjoying fruits of “flesh”  will stop us from  enjoying  beautiful fruits of the “Spirit.” Fleshy acts will prevent the growth of the spirit.  Flesh can be lustful, and demanding,  bringing great anguish, because the flesh and spirit war against each other, as stated so eloquently in Galatians 5:17:

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

When individuals engage in “fleshy” aspects we’re starving our spirit within.  The fruits of  “flesh” can cloud up our spiritual eyesight, and we might not know right from wrong through our own eyes.  Of course, the “fruits” of the “flesh are not good fruits.”  They are not going to grow or prosper the way the true “fruit of the spirit” will.  The spiritual fruit will continue to grow and bring forth more fruit!  The flesh fruit will not produce good fruits.  It will not produce growth in the spirit.

God doesn’t see things the way we do, nor is His ways anywhere close to our ways.  He is above all else, but He is there to guide us with His Word, and His love. He is long suffering, and will be there for us to help us through temptations in life, and will always show us a way out.  ( 1Corinthians 10:13)

How then do we begin to know what’s right in the eyes of the LORD? We listen to His Word, we keep His commandments.  That’s a good way to improve your spiritual vision.

In Joshua, chapter 6 the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. It was an easy victory for Israel, because God had a vision, and Joshua followed what was right in God’s eyes, not his own.

God placed a ban on everything in Jericho, meaning all was to be destroyed except the gold and silver which was to be placed in the tabernacle.  That was what was “right in God’s eyes.”  But, there was a man amongst Joshua’s army who thought he knew better than God concerning the gold and silver.  He didn’t listen to God…nor did he obey by God’s vision.  He went with His own vision, and from there, they had trouble and no more victories. The LORD ceased in His blessings to them.  Until the “accursed thing” was taken from their midst and placed in the tabernacle, God was not in their corner, nor did He go before them.

God states and outlines what He expects of His children throughout the Bible. From the beginning, in Genesis, concerning “Adam and Eve” with which tree to eat from.  To the end of the book in Revelation, stating what His children should do, the outcome is revealed in the last book of the Bible, showing the rewards of “obeying and walking with spiritual eye”  in other words, God’s vision not ours, in God’s eyes, not our own eyes.


The LORD is so patient with His children, and will always forgive us, and reward us for our efforts. We’re not perfect, and we all fall short sometimes during this lifetime, God still loves us and is there to help us. We’re weak, He’s strong.  We’re human, He’s a Sovereign being.   We will sin, He forgives.


Do that what is right in the Father’s eyes and be blessed!





(Deuteronomy 13:18  KJV)

“When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all His commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God.”