DEAR GOD: Talking in Prayer~



hands praying



The Bible talks a lot about communication with God. In fact, a good portion of it speaks about our relationship and communication to God.  Our relationship with Him, and His relationship to us.  Prayer is a huge form of communication for those of faith, and the LORD wants us to seek Him with all of our hearts.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

So many prophets and great people of the Bible sought God in prayer. Moses cried out to Him many times during his 40 year walk in the desert.

“And Moses cried unto the Eternal One, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.” (Numbers 12:13)

Praying is powerful mind, body, and soul experience.  When you have a relationship with the LORD,  it’s so rewarding no matter the outcome.  What I mean by that is this. We pray and have important alone time with the Father.  And even when  prayers aren’t answered…the connection to Him is rewarding in itself.

Praying can produce instant results—as I’ve been  witness to many times—or it might take a long time before He answers.  Sometimes, the answer might not come because He has other plans for us.    God knows what’s best, and He sees things that we don’t, therefore, we might not understand “why.”

What I can say is this. When we pray with a contrite heart and with complete faith in Him and His Word, we’re conforming and connecting with Him on an intimate level. We need to be sincere in our approach. We can’t fool Him, He knows if we’re sincere and He knows if we have or display great faith. If we simply “act” or have a “lack of faith” — He’ll know.

“If one turns away his ear from hearing My teachings, even his prayer is not heard.” (Proverbs 28:9)


As with our regular “daddy” on earth.  So many of us had/have a great relationship with their dad, we know what it’s like to sit and talk from the heart.  It’s easy, light, and comforting.  I know I did, I was able to sit for hours with my dad and speak about anything.  We should be able to do that with our Father in heaven.

When we connect to the LORD,  we’re able to go to Him for anything and everything. He is waiting with open arms, open ears, and a caring heart.  He wants us to lean on Him and trust Him. Don’t wait to run to Him when you’re broken, or need help.   Talk to Him always… in good times…and in bad.  Talk to Him for decisions in life.  Talk to Him to declare your “love for Him.”

He’s our Father, He loves us, talk to Him in prayer, in song, out loud, or quietly in your private room.  The point is…just “talk” to Him.  I can tell you this, He is an amazing listener, and He really loves you unconditionally.

Don’t take my word for it…try it for yourself and watch what happens.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6 KJV)


Hear my prayer, O LORD! Listen to my cries for help! Don’t ignore my tears. For I am your guest–a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me.  (Psalms 39:12 NLT)