DEAR GOD: LORD’s Light vs Darkness~




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And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Genesis 6:5 (KJV)


Evil is apparent wherever you look these days. The reality of light versus darkness is not an unfamiliar theme. In fact, it’s been going on since the beginning of time. However, it seems out of control…and it’s certainly proliferating exponentially more so than usual.

It’s everywhere. It’s on the computer, on our television screens, in news articles, all over the place. Sadly, the enemy’s influence and images are all relentless… in words, in images, in graphic videos, in music/songs.

It’s even around while shopping. Just have a look around while you are in stores. You’ll surely find the “darkness” and the suffocation of evil right there in the midst of crowds.

Don’t misunderstand. We are not to fear anything. There is no fear in perfect love as it casts out all fear. (John 4:18)

What I’m trying to convey is as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8) we are highly aware of the saturation of Satan’s influence. We are able to thwart the fiery darts and overcome any temptation we may face through the power and grace of God Almighty. (Ephesians 6:16) (1 Corinthians 10:13) 

As we meander through life we just need to be on par with God and His Word.  We need to see the light at all times, no matter how dark the hour is. When things seem hopeless that’ precisely when we as children of the God, rise up in His name and stand firm in our beliefs.  (1 Corinthians 16:13)

The enemy loses. We know that. God will always win!


But while we’re here and undergoing the trials and tribulations of life, we’re all getting ready for a far better place. We are withstanding the slings and arrows of life to graduate into the heavenly realms when we are called to our Eternal home.

In a sense this is our “Boot Camp” 101…and we have to fight and stand secure in His light, and in His Word.  The battle is the LORD’s, but we are a huge part of His Army.  We are told to be as wise as serpents yet as gentle as the doves by Jesus. (Matthew 10:16)  And as Soldiers we need to prepare, be alert, stand guard, and aim to do all we can to thwart the enemy in Jesus’ powerful name! Amen!

“And as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army.” 

2 Timothy 2:4 (TLB)


Are you prepared for this battle? Do you have the weapons to do so? Are you standing in the light? Have you consulted with the One and Only LORD today?


LORD thank You for Your protection, light and love in a dark world Your light is ever shining and always present, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”