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The Bible offers many lessons on how to make a difference in life. We are called to resist conformity to worldly patterns and renew our minds according to God’s Word. By seeking His guidance and transforming our way of thinking, we can then completely discern God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will for each of us.

Standing with and by God’s Word and will for our lives enables us to make choices and take actions that align with His purpose, and inherently will make a positive impact on others, as well as our lives. But only when it is according to HIS will, not ours.

You see when we rely on God and trust Him fully in all we do and acknowledge Him— He will direct our paths. And when we realize we need Him and aren’t using our “own wisdom” or devices, and love Him fully and keep from evil, it will be health for us inside and out (Proverbs 3:5-8).

The Bible teaches us that to make a difference, we should read the Bible, connect with God, serve others selflessly, and renew our minds according to God’s Word. Each session we spend with God on an intimate basis, that is getting to know Him, understand His word and how to apply it to our lives, we gain introspection into how we should live. We gain access into living life successfully while adhering to His commandments.

The Bible is a perfect testimony of who God is and what He’s like. After all, it’s inspired by God and it’s profitable for teaching, admonishing, rebuking, training us to be disciplined and walk in righteousness.

Plus, through His Word, God shows us and gives us everything in His book required of us to lead a life of goodness and demonstrate love towards each other.

Each of us are unique, yet all have the impact to make a difference in the world. The Holy Spirit will guide us and teach us as we go along in this world. The Spirit isn’t stagnant.  Instead, the Spirit will continuously move and flow effortlessly when we are aware, open and engaged with the Word on a daily basis. He is given to us as a “gift” when we accept the LORD readily. We are given that wonderful and glorious gift from the Father, and He is infused within us always.

 Luke 24:49 (NLT) – “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”

“Father, may I always be connected to You on every level in my life, may I consult with You before I go about my tasks in early morning, may I seek Your face in all I do, and may I please You in all of my ways, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”