DEAR GOD: May My Fasting Bring Me CLoser To You~

2019 prayer_and_fasting-PSD – Heartcry Chapel

Fasting and prayer are spiritual disciplines that have been practiced for centuries across various religious traditions. In the Christian faith, these practices are often observed together as a means to deepen one’s relationship with God, seek guidance, and express penitence.

Fasting, the voluntary abstinence from food or drink, is a physical expression of one’s spiritual desire for communion with God. It is an act of humility, acknowledging one’s dependence on God for sustenance. By setting aside the temporary comfort of food, believers can focus more intently on their spiritual nourishment through prayer and meditation on the Scriptures.

Prayer is the communication with God, where one can praise, confess, give thanks, and petition. It is a time to align one’s will with God’s, to seek forgiveness, and to intercede for others. Prayer can be a source of strength and comfort, especially during times of fasting when physical weakness reminds us of our spiritual need.

The combination of fasting and prayer can lead to a heightened sense of spiritual awareness. It can help believers to detach from worldly distractions and draw closer to God, seeking His will and guidance. The Bible offers several examples of individuals and communities who fasted and prayed, often during critical moments or decisions, showing their reliance on God’s direction and strength.

Biblical Support:

  • Matthew 6:16-18 – Jesus teaches about fasting, emphasizing that it should not be done for show, but rather in a way that is not obvious to others.
  • Acts 13:2-3 – The early church fasted and prayed before sending off Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey.
  • James 5:13-16 – Believers are encouraged to pray in all circumstances, and the prayer of faith will heal the sick.

Fasting can also be giving up one’s indulgences for a while and concentrating on the LORD, fully and completely. It is the ability to focus in on the LORD with all of your given body, mind and soul…and presenting yourself wholly and humbly to the LORD. It is a representation of your faith and your love for the LORD, and consequently will be a vow of belief in Him and all He is.

When we turn in prayer to the One above and bring our meditations and heart to Him, He will surely hear from heaven, and will answer according to His time table, not ours!

“My Heavenly Father, I come before You in humility, seeking Your presence through fasting and prayer. May my spirit be nourished by Your Word and my heart aligned with Your will. Grant me the strength to pursue You wholeheartedly, and may my discipline be a testament to my utmost desire for closeness with You. Bless me with wisdom and clarity, and let my actions reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen. 🙏”

DEAR GOD: You Are My Umbrella & More~

women, Blonde, Rain, Umbrella, Street, Long hair, Lenay Dunn HD ...

~Psalm 3:3~
 But You, O Lord, are a shield about me,
My glory, and the One who lifts my head.

So, the rain poured down from the Heavens and I reach for my umbrella – and it shields me from harsh elements- and I am protected!

LORD – You are my umbrella of fortune and blessings and I know You are with me in all kinds of weather. In fact, You control the weather patterns, and it “listens” to You!

When we are aligned in God’s word and pull away from the insignificance of the World, and all its ugly enticements – we are assured of rewards to come here and most especially in the eternity.

Some may say, “why can’t I indulge in some pleasurable things – if I’m good and do good things, what’s the big deal?”  Well, it is a big deal if you’re not adhering to His Word and are doing ungodly things that are not favorable in His sight. God doesn’t want His children to partake in insignificant things or indulge in idolatry. Idolatry is anything that takes you away from the LORD and His Word. No matter how small you may think it is, if it’s an abomination in God’s eyes, and not godly – then it isn’t as “small” as you think it is.

Idolatry is not acceptable in His eyes. This can run the gamut from addictions, possessions, materialistic items, anything that leads to the eviction of God in your life.

We need to concentrate on “living” but staying within the confines and parameters of being C child of Christ and living a life that suits Christians.

He is the provider for all our needs and His provisions are never ending, and His love is free flowing. Nothing and no one can compare to His magnificence, and His Omnipotence.

Do you feel God is your umbrella? Can you recall any time in your life where God protected you fully? Do you have idols in your life you need to be rid of?

“Father, thank You for Your continuous Presence in my life, may I always be in obedience to You and Your Word, may I never stray, and if I do – as I am human- please gently guide me back onto Your path of righteousness, as that is the only path I wish to walk upon, in Jesus’ name I thank You, Amen.”